The course is centered on building proficiency of basic grammar, reading and writing skills and basic Japanese conversation practice with an emphasis on grammatical accuracy and socially appropriate language use.


Course Description:

This course integrates all the key concepts and processes of Accounting, Business and Management (ABM) as applied in real-life activities following the business cycle: business opportunity search, product/service development, business formation and organization, business implementation and control, business wind-up, and relevant management reporting in the context of ethical standard and social responsibility. Technologies are used in a business enterprise as appropriate.

The course deals with the fundamental concepts, principles, and practices of ethical standards in the business environment. It combines the theoretical foundations of setting up business enterprises with the conduct of entrepreneurial activities in the context of one’s accountability and social responsibility.

Specifically, the course aims to: (1) provide students with a basic understanding of the mechanisms whereby companies can be made to act in the best interest of shareholders, other stakeholders, and society as a whole; (2) provide students with knowledge of general ethical principles as applied to the special situations of business and the ability to make informed judgments through case analyses; and (3) equip students with the ability to formulate basic strategies in relation to corporate ethics and governance.

The subject covers various contemporary arts practices of the region where the school is located. It aims to provide students with an appreciation of a broad range of styles in the various disciplines with consideration on their elements and principles, and engage them to an integrative approach in studying arts. Through this subject, students will broaden and acquire the necessary creative tools that open opportunities in pursuing their individual career goals and aspirations.

Physical Education and Health offers experiential learning for learners to adopt an active life for fitness and lifelong health. The knowledge, skills and understanding which include physical and health literacy competencies support them in accessing, synthesizing and evaluating information; making informed decisions; enhancing and advocating their own as well as others’ fitness and health. This course on recreational activities is associated with outdoor, natural or semi-natural settings; it enables learners to move safely and competently in these settings while making a positive relationship with natural environments and promoting their sustainable use. It consists of an array of offerings which learners can choose from.

The III course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative and quantitative researches.