This course deals with the important skills in providing basic health services for health promotion and disease prevention at the community level and community organizing.


At the end of the semester, the students will have developed the needed competencies in the provision of basic health services for health promotion and disease prevention at the community level including community organizing.


The course deals with aspects of Midwifery Practice. It includes midwifery ethics, professional growth, career development, current trends and issues including related laws affecting health care and midwifery practice and principles of bioethics.


                This is a two – unit course that defines movement skills for educational gymnastics and sport activities. Developmental stages for skill acquisitions enable the students to understand the importance and effect of body preparation through exercise. Specific techniques include tumbling, floor exercises heavy and light apparatus activities and dance-based routines. Programs shall focus on rhythmic, sportive, sport aerobics, artistic gymnastics.

This course aims to provide the student with conventional and new approaches to trade theories, policies and the core concepts and techniques for entering the international market place. Emphasis on the impact and dynamics of sociocultural, demographic, economic, technological and political-legal factors in the foreign trade environment. It showcases research, feasibility studies and projects that demonstrate a variety of ways to implement environmental sustainability in globally operating firms, as well as best practices in areas such as international management, adoption of cleaner technologies, global supply chains, and transportation.

Instructor: Edel Christian B. Palad